Conversations to Cut the Conflict

Ep 37 - Legacy, Death and Conflict

Lisanne Iriks Episode 37

In this episode, I interview  Zinta Harris from Resolve Estate Law. Zinta is a succession lawyer, collaborative professional, and mediator who is amazing at helping people when they are in conflict while a loved one has just passed away.

I loved having this conversation with Zinta. We discuss death and other topics most people do not like talking about but should be talking about. Zinta has a great approach and during our conversation I found myself looking differently at death and what legacy I would like to leave behind.

I highly recommend that you listen to this episode. If you want to know how can you protect your legacy (which is not just about money by the way). What kind of things do you need to talk about with the people that you love before you are no longer here, and how can you resolve disputes surrounding wills and estates and while you are grieving.

You can purchase Zinta's book called "Rest In Peace" in the link below: